Monday 17 February 2014

Lost someone? (what to do)

Your not alone. We'll all eventually die really. Its hard to deal with a death especially if its someone that's very special to you. That's just life for you.

You don't know when exactly its going to happen.

Know that they're not going to suffer earthly sufferings.
Know that its a new start for them else where.
Know that in another life you may actually see them again.
Know that they wouldn't want you to kill themselves for them.
Know that they loved you as much and maybe even more.
Know that life isnt so simple and easy to live and things do happen.
Know that every person has their end, no matter their age.

The mind is powerful. However ,the spirit that controls the mind is even more powerful.

Smile, whats the use of crying?
Smile whilst you can and be around people you love.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Mental illness

Now this world tends to classify things in their own way calling people and classifying them as mentally ill.

Its completely stupid!

Mental illness is just a misunderstanding within the brain and the nerves ,but we all know that our spirit is the one that controls our whole entire body INCLUDING our brain.

If you remove your spirit from your body then the body would be lying there dead and with no movement. Its all a fixed equation.

If there are misunderstanding and wrong actions that's come from all of us if we do something wrong and interpret things the wrong way then we're all mentally ill really.

You may have many things going on in your life and so many stressful an difficult times. This may lead to an overload of a cause (e.g. compressed feelings, taking things in and not responding to it even tho it upsets you).

You control your mind. And yes there is something greater than your mind and something which is able to control it (your soul aka your spirit).

If you lose your brain then your dead really..