Saturday 18 October 2014


Such an inspirational movie in a way.

It gets you thinking about your life and where you maybe going. Forget the areas when the speak about losing their virginity. Point is , you really have to analyse your life before going through a lot (also your closet ,hehe!).

The film speaks about being clueless. Its very important to have YOU time .

During YOU time , you think about what you want and need to do in your life. Just analyse what you've done and how you can change things or keep them the same and so on and so forth .
Ways you can spend YOU time can include: sitting in your room, going out for a walk, typing it down, etc.

You really need to have your life analysed in order to get a hold of it.

Many people use work as an excuse. However, there is such a thing called the weekend :D

I thought this was interesting so i decided to put it in:
(Many people forget how important it is to prioritize things- you need to prioritize things in your life as well as analyse it) You need to have and prioritize YOU time!

Saturday 4 October 2014

To spend or not to spend.. That is the question

Firstly ,I'd like to admit that I am ,indeed,a shopaholic and I love being the consumer (if I have the money).

Secondly, I would like to say that saving is something I also do.

So, this maybe a slightly pointless blog. However, so to speak, I think this is an important subject title that should be discussed.

Consumerism isn't necessarily a bad thing. It starts to become a bad thing when you don't know how to control it .

A large part of consumerism is branding. You guys know what I'm talking about; World wide ,well know brands such as: Apple, Tesco, Toys 'r' us, adobe, H & M, etc.
The list goes on and on! 

We have to bear in mind that we control what we do and we cant blame the companies for sucking us into it via advertising or good deals (+amazing sales!).

We buy things we don't necessarily need to impress people we don't necessarily like or even know (or to just show off). 

Consumerism is more like a trade . So in a sense, it isn't bad. People and business with a brand name try to expand so much nowadays and the businesses depend on their customers to buy the items in order to grow and develop new items and keep the economical flow going. 

Imagine a world without money . We'd all be rich really because we'd all not think about giving each other a piece of paper worth a certain amount. We'd be giving each other something of a certain value we worked for not depending on others. 

To be fair , consumerism has existed for many centuries; Also, trade is thought to be consumerism. 

Work for your money and see what its like to receive a certain wage/amount. If you can afford what you need easily then for the things you want, just create a wishlist.

Exercise for you to do: Keep the things you really want on your wishlist and wait for about 3 months and see if you really still want them or not , if not then just take it off your wishlist :)