Tuesday 7 April 2015

Levels Of Compatibility

Falling in love sucks sometimes SO badly. Having to see the person everytime and not being able to do anything about it. Remember you position in life and where you stand. I believe in the levels needed to be in a relationship or at least a committed relationship leading to marriage .

Levels of compatibility (Important) :

1) Financially

2) Culturally

3) Socially

4) Personal

5) Religious

If one of the levels are not ticked off the list then you may have difficulties living and being with the other person. E.g. Financially, If your Mid-high and the other person you want it Mid-low then its going to be pretty hard.

Culturally people have been raised up with different traditions and cultural standards. Now this one will only appear after you know the person better and know their family and friends. Sometimes it doesn't take time to show up.

The social level is closely bonded to the cultural level. Now the social level includes relationships with other people and well known amongst people. Very important factor to think about. 

The personal level is where you get to know the person and what they've been doing all their life and what they're doing ,etc . Basically just getting to know the person. Make sure there are very minimal disagreements because I can guarantee you if your spouse disagrees with you on a lot of things now then your done for it !

Religious level, now many people don't find this so important but again ,there would be disagreements in the near future so be VERY careful.

Sometimes money isnt a big issue ,but in a sense it is a disagreement because the level isn't ticked off the list ,therefore, meaning financial both you and your spouse are incompatible . Think carefully.