Tuesday 7 April 2015

Levels Of Compatibility

Falling in love sucks sometimes SO badly. Having to see the person everytime and not being able to do anything about it. Remember you position in life and where you stand. I believe in the levels needed to be in a relationship or at least a committed relationship leading to marriage .

Levels of compatibility (Important) :

1) Financially

2) Culturally

3) Socially

4) Personal

5) Religious

If one of the levels are not ticked off the list then you may have difficulties living and being with the other person. E.g. Financially, If your Mid-high and the other person you want it Mid-low then its going to be pretty hard.

Culturally people have been raised up with different traditions and cultural standards. Now this one will only appear after you know the person better and know their family and friends. Sometimes it doesn't take time to show up.

The social level is closely bonded to the cultural level. Now the social level includes relationships with other people and well known amongst people. Very important factor to think about. 

The personal level is where you get to know the person and what they've been doing all their life and what they're doing ,etc . Basically just getting to know the person. Make sure there are very minimal disagreements because I can guarantee you if your spouse disagrees with you on a lot of things now then your done for it !

Religious level, now many people don't find this so important but again ,there would be disagreements in the near future so be VERY careful.

Sometimes money isnt a big issue ,but in a sense it is a disagreement because the level isn't ticked off the list ,therefore, meaning financial both you and your spouse are incompatible . Think carefully.

Saturday 18 October 2014


Such an inspirational movie in a way.

It gets you thinking about your life and where you maybe going. Forget the areas when the speak about losing their virginity. Point is , you really have to analyse your life before going through a lot (also your closet ,hehe!).

The film speaks about being clueless. Its very important to have YOU time .

During YOU time , you think about what you want and need to do in your life. Just analyse what you've done and how you can change things or keep them the same and so on and so forth .
Ways you can spend YOU time can include: sitting in your room, going out for a walk, typing it down, etc.

You really need to have your life analysed in order to get a hold of it.

Many people use work as an excuse. However, there is such a thing called the weekend :D

I thought this was interesting so i decided to put it in:
(Many people forget how important it is to prioritize things- you need to prioritize things in your life as well as analyse it) You need to have and prioritize YOU time!

Saturday 4 October 2014

To spend or not to spend.. That is the question

Firstly ,I'd like to admit that I am ,indeed,a shopaholic and I love being the consumer (if I have the money).

Secondly, I would like to say that saving is something I also do.

So, this maybe a slightly pointless blog. However, so to speak, I think this is an important subject title that should be discussed.

Consumerism isn't necessarily a bad thing. It starts to become a bad thing when you don't know how to control it .

A large part of consumerism is branding. You guys know what I'm talking about; World wide ,well know brands such as: Apple, Tesco, Toys 'r' us, adobe, H & M, etc.
The list goes on and on! 

We have to bear in mind that we control what we do and we cant blame the companies for sucking us into it via advertising or good deals (+amazing sales!).

We buy things we don't necessarily need to impress people we don't necessarily like or even know (or to just show off). 

Consumerism is more like a trade . So in a sense, it isn't bad. People and business with a brand name try to expand so much nowadays and the businesses depend on their customers to buy the items in order to grow and develop new items and keep the economical flow going. 

Imagine a world without money . We'd all be rich really because we'd all not think about giving each other a piece of paper worth a certain amount. We'd be giving each other something of a certain value we worked for not depending on others. 

To be fair , consumerism has existed for many centuries; Also, trade is thought to be consumerism. 

Work for your money and see what its like to receive a certain wage/amount. If you can afford what you need easily then for the things you want, just create a wishlist.

Exercise for you to do: Keep the things you really want on your wishlist and wait for about 3 months and see if you really still want them or not , if not then just take it off your wishlist :)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Is listening to songs un-Christian?

So this is an important subject to touch on.

Everyone goes on with their daily lives thinking its okay. However, do you think its okay?

Songwriters always write songs about sex, loving one another (not in the right way), and just things you shouldn't be doing. And then when you listen to it and then your mind goes: aaaa... this is normal! Take my word for it. No, its not normal to listen to these songs. Always remember that us Christians are trying to follow Christ. Do you think Christ would accept it if we listened to these songs?

Some people i realise, are in denial and they'd be like :no no no ,he'll say its normal. You're going to try to escape it. God has made it clear in the Bible,the most precious book given to us. Believe it or not, it is wrong to listen to those songs.

People should stop making excuses. Excuses will get you know where. You might end up in hell. Instead of listening to this kind of music ,go out and act christ like to people and in your heart you should purify yourself. Always strive to be a better person.

When I was always listening to the wrong kind of music id realise id block the world out and it would always be just about me and just me relating it to my life. Id always listen to heavy metal and rock and just sad songs in general. Instead i could just be optimistic and make the best out of my life and OTHER peoples lives.

The good kind of music helps you communicate with you Lord.

Got any questions for me? Leave them down below =)
God bless.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Poem about respect

Knowledge is gold
very hard to find
with the hidden facts ,the laws no longer abide

Schools are there to give you facts 
universities are there to give you a track
The one thing people forget
the most important thing yet

Life is not only about success 
life is only a test
many people lack success 
However, obtain the power and will and knowledge of respect

Life is not about being rich and jumping to the top
who knows,one day you might fall off
Respect stays in your heart 
Will forever stay, and will be loved until you depart

Life is not an easy game of snakes and ladders 
Its not about what you eat on your platter

Its the way you talk and speak to others
words can be hurtful ,so care for one another
to build a society ,we all need to support
Respect one another and learn to stop fighting in court

Maryan Sadik

Monday 17 February 2014

Lost someone? (what to do)

Your not alone. We'll all eventually die really. Its hard to deal with a death especially if its someone that's very special to you. That's just life for you.

You don't know when exactly its going to happen.

Know that they're not going to suffer earthly sufferings.
Know that its a new start for them else where.
Know that in another life you may actually see them again.
Know that they wouldn't want you to kill themselves for them.
Know that they loved you as much and maybe even more.
Know that life isnt so simple and easy to live and things do happen.
Know that every person has their end, no matter their age.

The mind is powerful. However ,the spirit that controls the mind is even more powerful.

Smile, whats the use of crying?
Smile whilst you can and be around people you love.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Mental illness

Now this world tends to classify things in their own way calling people and classifying them as mentally ill.

Its completely stupid!

Mental illness is just a misunderstanding within the brain and the nerves ,but we all know that our spirit is the one that controls our whole entire body INCLUDING our brain.

If you remove your spirit from your body then the body would be lying there dead and with no movement. Its all a fixed equation.

If there are misunderstanding and wrong actions that's come from all of us if we do something wrong and interpret things the wrong way then we're all mentally ill really.

You may have many things going on in your life and so many stressful an difficult times. This may lead to an overload of a cause (e.g. compressed feelings, taking things in and not responding to it even tho it upsets you).

You control your mind. And yes there is something greater than your mind and something which is able to control it (your soul aka your spirit).

If you lose your brain then your dead really..