Tuesday 22 July 2014

Is listening to songs un-Christian?

So this is an important subject to touch on.

Everyone goes on with their daily lives thinking its okay. However, do you think its okay?

Songwriters always write songs about sex, loving one another (not in the right way), and just things you shouldn't be doing. And then when you listen to it and then your mind goes: aaaa... this is normal! Take my word for it. No, its not normal to listen to these songs. Always remember that us Christians are trying to follow Christ. Do you think Christ would accept it if we listened to these songs?

Some people i realise, are in denial and they'd be like :no no no ,he'll say its normal. You're going to try to escape it. God has made it clear in the Bible,the most precious book given to us. Believe it or not, it is wrong to listen to those songs.

People should stop making excuses. Excuses will get you know where. You might end up in hell. Instead of listening to this kind of music ,go out and act christ like to people and in your heart you should purify yourself. Always strive to be a better person.

When I was always listening to the wrong kind of music id realise id block the world out and it would always be just about me and just me relating it to my life. Id always listen to heavy metal and rock and just sad songs in general. Instead i could just be optimistic and make the best out of my life and OTHER peoples lives.

The good kind of music helps you communicate with you Lord.

Got any questions for me? Leave them down below =)
God bless.

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