Wednesday 29 January 2014

Wise words

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Suffering ? Fix yourself ! (Mental and Physical pain)- This is mainly aimed for the smokers out there.

You body is very important. You'll never know how much you need every bit of it! It helps you walk, talk, move, express yourself, etc.

Some people though, decide to internally damage their bodies from the inside via drugs and/or how other people like to call it ,'herbal drug use'.

Many people don't understand that this may shorten their life span. Life's what you make it, don't blame others for making YOUR life a misery. its YOUR life. If you keep thinking negatively and doing drugs and thinking that stupid this also including alcohol may solve your problems then you need to go and get help.

You think its impressive and social to go out there and support others to start smoking? Your actions would define you as selfish. You never think about the others around you. If you do then respect them. When a mother carries her baby around you and your the smoker, you are making someone else a smoker (second hand smoker) and may increase the risk of that child from having asthma . It'll be YOUR fault.

Fix yourself from the inside out. you may look good on the outside but its really the inside that's what counts. Imagine this : a kid walks up to you looking all innocent and cute and starts swearing at you.


Think of this as a DIY project. (Fix yourself from the inside first).
But always remember that your time is limited..
There's different kinds of pain(both physical and mental). For the both, you must seek advice. No matter how tiny or how big it is. No matter what ,you must ALWAYS seek advice and talk to someone about it.
Take care and stay healthy!

Sunday 26 January 2014

How to mentally have inner peace after losing someone

This is a hard topic to talk about. And its pretty emotional. Anything could happen any time. You gain something this second and you lose something else the next second.

Losing someone is tough. No doubt about it. In life there's always an end to something. You don't belong here (earth). I'm not going to tell you to get over it. Everyone needs their space and time. I will talk about the steps you could take to help you mentally and these steps may lead to inner peace.
Steps to take:
1. Accept the idea
Acceptance of the fact that someone's gone would have to be the first step. Your head needs time to accept things and so does you heart.
2. Don't blame yourself
When something happens, you cant blame yourself for it happening; Not after losing a loved one. Accept that its all happened and this is how your life's going to be. Never look back at your bad thoughts and actions you did or they did in the past.
3. What's done is done
It may not be replaceable. However, you can always heal it ,but you internally, may never be healed. Its something that happened ;You cant change that or the past.
4. Be around people who care about you and be open
Solitude is never the answer. You might need time alone ,but just don't forget that other people out there care about you and want to be there for you. Its never healthy to keep feelings inside of you. It never is. It damages you internally and may result in injury.
5. Know that others have been in the same situation that you've been in
It will give you a bit of self-peace inside of you. All of history repeats itself. And your going to be alright in the end. If your not alright ,then its not the end.


Saturday 25 January 2014

Messed up feelings?

In life I hear many people have had many unsuccessful relationships due to disagreements which may lead to arguments which then may lead to breakups. I once got told it was best to be with someone like me( same likes ). Every individual is unique therefore you cannot get your perfect match.

Feelings are what you feel in the inside. What you know comes from within the brain. So when you say, I know this wont work out ,but I've got feelings towards this person and it might work out. Realise that you are risking a lot. You many end up hurting yourself with bad decisions because of your feelings.

Is it just a feeling I have towards this individual? (how to find out)
Its just something that you feel within. Its that voice in the back of your head saying okay this is how I feel. You know in your mind its just a feeling .

Sometimes your brain and your heart wont agree on things.

Feelings can be towards:(the lovey dovey kind)

An animal/pet

I'm pretty sure there are more categories but lets just stick to these ones. A crush comes and goes, right? (eventually) And your brain KNOWS you wont be with him. Do believe that anything is possible ,but both mind and feelings MUST co-operate together. Its VERY risky and if your not the selfish kind and you care about the other people around you then don't take chances which may scare them for life.

Many people use the term feelings in the wrong way. And just fake it. Now, its important not to fake how you feel because in the end you might like that person and you'll be the one getting hurt. Nowadays ,when someone says :I have feelings towards this individual . Know that people who don't get the exact meaning of the term may mean sexual lusting over the other individual. Now that's pretty messed up!

What I call messed up feelings :

1.Sexual lusting over an individual and having flings with them
This may result in the other person falling for the individual they maybe having relations with and is just messed up. Confusion starts taking place and lies may also start taking place.

2.Brain always trying to convince what's inside of you (aka your feelings) .Then there's a mess up that's starts taking place within, just that individual because of none acceptance to one idea -facts or feelings. Which may result in confusion and loss of confidence in your decisions and no self-peace.

Any solution to this?
Its best to be single until the age of maturity ,22 ;that's when your more stable and more mature. Its okay to date I guess as long as nothing intimate that goes on and 'messed up feelings' take place.

How you see yourself and how others see you!

Your never going to see yourself how others see you. Imagine this, your spirit out of your body will not see you the same way as your spirit being in your body will see you. You may not know how you affect people and people many not know how you, as an individual will take things.

Life is such a simple term. Many people interpret the meaning of life in the wrong way. Life is what you make it. Try being positive. Not trying to get all personal ,but we've all been through trials and we all have our own problems to deal with. Many people could be dealing with worse situations that you right now.

So steps to take in life are the following:

1. Be thankful for everything
You could've ended up being the child to the neighbours next door! Loud, cheeky and beaten up. Sad, but true.

2. Be positive as much as you can
Easy said then done, I know. But ,I cant seem to stress out how important this step is ! If your keep judging others and saying your life's a complete misery then what good will it bring with all this negativity?

3.Being social
This helps bring you out of your bubble. You might be the person that likes to be kept alone on the side maybe due to bullies etc. The next step will help you get out of your unsocial bubble and that the next step is..

Confidence is the key! for sure. If you don't believe in yourself then why were you even created or given birth to? Nothings a mistake. When you were a kid ,you had no worries in the world. You never cared about what you looked like and you were out there and just confident really. We all came from 1 main source really =)

5. Smile!
You get more wrinkles when your frowning so smile! Nothing deserves a sad face. A smile may make someone's day as well. So if not for yourself the do it for others =)