Saturday 25 January 2014

Messed up feelings?

In life I hear many people have had many unsuccessful relationships due to disagreements which may lead to arguments which then may lead to breakups. I once got told it was best to be with someone like me( same likes ). Every individual is unique therefore you cannot get your perfect match.

Feelings are what you feel in the inside. What you know comes from within the brain. So when you say, I know this wont work out ,but I've got feelings towards this person and it might work out. Realise that you are risking a lot. You many end up hurting yourself with bad decisions because of your feelings.

Is it just a feeling I have towards this individual? (how to find out)
Its just something that you feel within. Its that voice in the back of your head saying okay this is how I feel. You know in your mind its just a feeling .

Sometimes your brain and your heart wont agree on things.

Feelings can be towards:(the lovey dovey kind)

An animal/pet

I'm pretty sure there are more categories but lets just stick to these ones. A crush comes and goes, right? (eventually) And your brain KNOWS you wont be with him. Do believe that anything is possible ,but both mind and feelings MUST co-operate together. Its VERY risky and if your not the selfish kind and you care about the other people around you then don't take chances which may scare them for life.

Many people use the term feelings in the wrong way. And just fake it. Now, its important not to fake how you feel because in the end you might like that person and you'll be the one getting hurt. Nowadays ,when someone says :I have feelings towards this individual . Know that people who don't get the exact meaning of the term may mean sexual lusting over the other individual. Now that's pretty messed up!

What I call messed up feelings :

1.Sexual lusting over an individual and having flings with them
This may result in the other person falling for the individual they maybe having relations with and is just messed up. Confusion starts taking place and lies may also start taking place.

2.Brain always trying to convince what's inside of you (aka your feelings) .Then there's a mess up that's starts taking place within, just that individual because of none acceptance to one idea -facts or feelings. Which may result in confusion and loss of confidence in your decisions and no self-peace.

Any solution to this?
Its best to be single until the age of maturity ,22 ;that's when your more stable and more mature. Its okay to date I guess as long as nothing intimate that goes on and 'messed up feelings' take place.

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