Sunday 26 January 2014

How to mentally have inner peace after losing someone

This is a hard topic to talk about. And its pretty emotional. Anything could happen any time. You gain something this second and you lose something else the next second.

Losing someone is tough. No doubt about it. In life there's always an end to something. You don't belong here (earth). I'm not going to tell you to get over it. Everyone needs their space and time. I will talk about the steps you could take to help you mentally and these steps may lead to inner peace.
Steps to take:
1. Accept the idea
Acceptance of the fact that someone's gone would have to be the first step. Your head needs time to accept things and so does you heart.
2. Don't blame yourself
When something happens, you cant blame yourself for it happening; Not after losing a loved one. Accept that its all happened and this is how your life's going to be. Never look back at your bad thoughts and actions you did or they did in the past.
3. What's done is done
It may not be replaceable. However, you can always heal it ,but you internally, may never be healed. Its something that happened ;You cant change that or the past.
4. Be around people who care about you and be open
Solitude is never the answer. You might need time alone ,but just don't forget that other people out there care about you and want to be there for you. Its never healthy to keep feelings inside of you. It never is. It damages you internally and may result in injury.
5. Know that others have been in the same situation that you've been in
It will give you a bit of self-peace inside of you. All of history repeats itself. And your going to be alright in the end. If your not alright ,then its not the end.


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