Saturday 25 January 2014

How you see yourself and how others see you!

Your never going to see yourself how others see you. Imagine this, your spirit out of your body will not see you the same way as your spirit being in your body will see you. You may not know how you affect people and people many not know how you, as an individual will take things.

Life is such a simple term. Many people interpret the meaning of life in the wrong way. Life is what you make it. Try being positive. Not trying to get all personal ,but we've all been through trials and we all have our own problems to deal with. Many people could be dealing with worse situations that you right now.

So steps to take in life are the following:

1. Be thankful for everything
You could've ended up being the child to the neighbours next door! Loud, cheeky and beaten up. Sad, but true.

2. Be positive as much as you can
Easy said then done, I know. But ,I cant seem to stress out how important this step is ! If your keep judging others and saying your life's a complete misery then what good will it bring with all this negativity?

3.Being social
This helps bring you out of your bubble. You might be the person that likes to be kept alone on the side maybe due to bullies etc. The next step will help you get out of your unsocial bubble and that the next step is..

Confidence is the key! for sure. If you don't believe in yourself then why were you even created or given birth to? Nothings a mistake. When you were a kid ,you had no worries in the world. You never cared about what you looked like and you were out there and just confident really. We all came from 1 main source really =)

5. Smile!
You get more wrinkles when your frowning so smile! Nothing deserves a sad face. A smile may make someone's day as well. So if not for yourself the do it for others =)



  1. great photo :D

